Make sure you read the terms
To better serve the community, we ask you make sure you read all the information regarding teams, registration, passes, under age performers and the overall process.
Directors, make sure you share the following information on this page to your dancers. All attendees must be aware of the terms & conditions.
scroll down for registration form
- Every registered performer must be performing and must purchase a performer pass
- Team director must submit 1 performer application per team
- During the registration you will have opportunity to add multiple numbers but only submit 1 application per team
- Dancers performing in multiple teams are only required to purchase one pass
- Passes are not transferable/non-refundable, they are assigned to your individual dancer
- Make sure you add your dancers full name
- Director will receive email confirmation with purchase link and information on submitting music
- Please keep your performances under 3 mins
- Bootcamps not included in performer pass must purchase separately
- All teams will be approved to perform
- All teams will receive approval within 2 weeks of their registration
- Once approved, director will receive payment link. Please share this link to your dancers for individual payment and registration
- You will only receive a code for the number of registered dancers. Any changes contact us immediately
- Teams must be available to perform any given day Thursday/Friday/Saturday night
- Teams must be available to tech on their performance date. See directors page for tech times
- Must complete liability waiver upon registration at event
- One performer pass per dancer
- Performer passes are Non-refundable
- All sales are final
- Performer will receive e-ticket
- Bring valid photo ID to registration on the day of event
- Performer must always wear their wristbands during the event
- Do not tamper/nor share your wristbands, may result in removal from event
- Approved team must purchase pass before May 1st 2025
- Door price for performers will be $200 no exceptions
and parents information
- Performers under the age of 12 must always be accompanied by a parent/adult director.
- Performers under the age of 12 will purchase a kids’ performance pass.
- Kids must be present at registration to pick up their performer pass.
- PARENTS must purchase FULL PASS if they wish to accompany their children during workshops and/or tech rehearsal.
- It is the Director’s/Parent’s RESPONSIBILITY to watch over child performers during tech rehearsal/shows.
- Please encourage parents to purchase a full pass. Tech rehearsal and workshops are only available for performers and parents paying for full pass, NO EXCEPTIONS.
- KIDS PERFORMER PASS: $50, $70 at the door.
Thats It! – Let’s Get You Registered!
No one likes surprises or gotchas, thanks for reading through the terms and sharing the information with your teams.
The link here now begins the registration form process to get you officially on the roster! Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.